Título: | The Ukrainian West : Culture and the Fate of Empire in Soviet Lviv |
Autores: | Risch, William Jay, |
Tipo de documento: | texto impreso |
ISBN/ISSN/DL: | 978-0-674-06126-2 |
Dimensiones: | 1 online resource(374p.) / illustrations |
Langues: | Inglés |
Clasificación: | DK 508.95.L86 (Historia de Rusia. Unión Soviética. Antiguas repúblicas soviéticas -- Historia local y descripción -- Ucrania -- Historia y descripción local -- Ciudades y pueblos -- Leópolis) |
Etiquetas: | Electronic books ; Ethnicity ; History ; Ukraine ; L?viv ; 20th century ; Geschichte Europas ; Nationalism ; Political science ; Relations ; Social history ; Ukrainian language ; Political aspects ; General European History ; Regional History ; HISTORY ; Europe ; Eastern ; Former Soviet Republics ; Russia & the Former Soviet Union ; POLITICAL SCIENCE ; Political Ideologies ; Nationalism Patriotism |
Resumen: |
In 1990, months before crowds in Moscow and other major cities dismantled their monuments to Lenin, residents of the western Ukrainian city of Lviv toppled theirs. William Jay Risch argues that Soviet politics of empire inadvertently shaped this anti-Soviet city, and that opposition from the periphery as much as from the imperial center was instrumental in unraveling the Soviet Union.Lviv?s borderlands identity was defined by complicated relationships with its Polish neighbor, its imperial Soviet occupier, and the real and imagined West. The city?s intellectuals?working through compromise rather than overt opposition?strained the limits of censorship in order to achieve greater public use of Ukrainian language and literary expression, and challenged state-sanctioned histories with their collective memory of the recent past. Lviv?s post?Stalin-generation youth, to which Risch pays particular attention, forged alternative social spaces where their enthusiasm for high culture, politics, soccer, music, and film could be shared.The Ukrainian West enriches our understanding not only of the Soviet Union?s postwar evolution but also of the role urban spaces, cosmopolitan identities, and border regions play in the development of nations and empires. And it calls into question many of our assumptions about the regional divisions that have characterized politics in Ukraine. Risch shines a bright light on the political, social, and cultural history that turned this once-peripheral city into a Soviet window on the West Months before crowds in Moscow dismantled monuments to Lenin, residents of the western Ukrainian city of Lviv toppled theirs. Risch argues that Soviet politics of empire created this anti-Soviet city, and that opposition from the periphery as much as from the imperial center was instrumental in unraveling the Soviet Union Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy, climate change, international relations, and constitutional and human rights are currently at the forefront of our national discourse. Critical reasoning, supported through academic research is needed. As a result, De Gruyter, along with its partner presses, is making freely available books and journal articles across nine topical areas for all students and faculty. Broadening access to this scholarship enables more people to address these issues in an informed manner: it helps us combat false news sources, to consider the nature of truth and ethics, and to understand the struggles of all members of society |
En línea: | https://doi.org/10.4159/harvard.9780674061262 |
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