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122 búsqueda de la palabra clave 'History'
Texto impresoThe Politics of Good Intentions Runciman, David, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy, climate change, international relations, and constitutional and human rights are currently at the forefront of our national discourse. Critical reasoning, [...]
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Texto impresoAfghanistan: A Cultural and Political History Barfield, Thomas, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Afghanistan traces the historic struggles and the changing nature of political authority in this volatile region of the world, from the Mughal Empire in the sixteenth century to the Taliban resurgence today. Thomas Barfield introduces readers to[...]
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Texto impresoIraq Dawisha, Adeed .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy, climate change, international relations, and constitutional and human rights are currently at the forefront of our national discourse. Critical reasoning, [...]
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Texto impresoJihad in Islamic History Bonner, Michael, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy, climate change, international relations, and constitutional and human rights are currently at the forefront of our national discourse. Critical reasoning, [...]
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Texto impresoThe International Human Rights Movement: A History Neier, Aryeh, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
During the past several decades, the international human rights movement has had a crucial hand in the struggle against totalitarian regimes, cruelties in wars, and crimes against humanity. Today, it grapples with the war against terror and subs[...]
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Texto impresoAll the Missing Souls: A Personal History of the War Crimes Tribunals Scheffer, David, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy, climate change, international relations, and constitutional and human rights are currently at the forefront of our national discourse. Critical reasoning, [...]
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Texto impresoCivil and Uncivil Violence in Lebanon Khalaf, Samir .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
In this long-awaited work, Samir Khalaf analyzes the history of civil strife and political violence in Lebanon and reveals the inherent contradictions that have plagued that country and made it so vulnerable to both inter-Arab and superpower riv[...]
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Texto impresoEgypt Tignor, Robert L., .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy, climate change, international relations, and constitutional and human rights are currently at the forefront of our national discourse. Critical reasoning, [...]
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Texto impresoIndivisible Human Rights Whelan, Daniel J., .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Daniel Whelan illustrates how the rhetoric of indivisibility has frequently been used to further political ends that have little to do with protecting the rights of the individual. Drawing on scores of original documents, he reveals the conflict[...]
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Texto impresoWomen in the Mosque Katz, Marion .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Juxtaposing Muslim scholars' debates over women's attendance in mosques with historical descriptions of women's activities within Middle Eastern and North African mosques, Marion Holmes Katz shows how over the centuries legal scholars' arguments[...]
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Texto impresoBorrowing Constitutional Designs Skach, Cindy, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
After the collapse of communism, some thirty countries scrambled to craft democratic constitutions. Surprisingly, the constitutional model they most often chose was neither the pure parliamentary model found in most of Western Europe at the time[...]
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Texto impresoInventing Falsehood, Making Truth Bull, Malcolm .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Can painting transform philosophy? In Inventing Falsehood, Making Truth, Malcolm Bull looks at Neapolitan art around 1700 through the eyes of the philosopher Giambattista Vico. Surrounded by extravagant examples of late Baroque painting by artis[...]
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Texto impresoJustice Interrupted Thompson, Elizabeth F., .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy, climate change, international relations, and constitutional and human rights are currently at the forefront of our national discourse. Critical reasoning, [...]
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Texto impresoLegal Orientalism Ruskola, Teemu, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
After the Cold War, how did China become a global symbol of disregard for human rights, while the U.S. positioned itself as the chief exporter of the rule of law? Teemu Ruskola investigates globally circulating narratives about what law is and w[...]
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Texto impresoA Long Goodbye Kalinovsky, Artemy M., .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy, climate change, international relations, and constitutional and human rights are currently at the forefront of our national discourse. Critical reasoning, [...]
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Texto impresoMoscow, the Fourth Rome Clark, Katerina, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
In the early sixteenth century, the monk Filofei proclaimed Moscow the "Third Rome." By the 1930s, intellectuals and artists all over the world thought of Moscow as a mecca of secular enlightenment. In Moscow, the Fourth Rome, Katerina Clark sho[...]
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Texto impresoMurder Most Russian McReynolds, Louise .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
How a society defines crimes and prosecutes criminals illuminates its cultural values, social norms, and political expectations. In Murder Most Russian, Louise McReynolds uses a fascinating series of murders and subsequent trials that took place[...]
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Texto impresoA Nation of Women Fur, Gunlög, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
A Nation of Women provides a history of the significance of gender in Lenape/Delaware encounters with Europeans, and a history of women in these encounters
Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy,[...]
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Texto impresoTerror in Chechnya Gilligan, Emma, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy, climate change, international relations, and constitutional and human rights are currently at the forefront of our national discourse. Critical reasoning, [...]
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Texto impresoThe Sino-Soviet Split: Cold War in the Communist World Lüthi, Lorenz M., .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
A decade after the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China established their formidable alliance in 1950, escalating public disagreements between them broke the international communist movement apart. In The Sino-Soviet Split, Lorenz Lüt[...]
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Texto impresoThe Ukrainian West Risch, William Jay, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
In 1990, months before crowds in Moscow and other major cities dismantled their monuments to Lenin, residents of the western Ukrainian city of Lviv toppled theirs. William Jay Risch argues that Soviet politics of empire inadvertently shaped this[...]
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Texto impresoThe Young Turks' Crime against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire Akçam, Taner, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Introducing new evidence from more than 600 secret Ottoman documents, this book demonstrates in unprecedented detail that the Armenian Genocide and the expulsion of Greeks from the late Ottoman Empire resulted from an official effort to rid the [...]
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Texto impresoAwakening Islam Lacroix, Stéphane, .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Amidst the roil of war and instability across the Middle East, the West is still searching for ways to understand the Islamic world. Stéphane Lacroix has now given us a penetrating look at the political dynamics of Saudi Arabia, one of the most [...]
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Texto impresoBargaining with the State from Afar Scully, Eileen P .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
In the early 1990s, when organizations representing the 2.6 million U.S. nationals living abroad appealed to Congress for their own non-voting representative, the response of one Senator was to dismiss these "moans of the mink-swathed Americans [...]
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Texto impresoBreaking the Ties That Bound Engel, Barbara Alpern .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy, climate change, international relations, and constitutional and human rights are currently at the forefront of our national discourse. Critical reasoning, [...]
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Texto impresoCars for Comrades Siegelbaum, Lewis H .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility: Public debates surrounding immigration policy, climate change, international relations, and constitutional and human rights are currently at the forefront of our national discourse. Critical reasoning, [...]
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Texto impresoChildren of Rus? Hillis, Faith .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
In Children of Rus?, Faith Hillis recovers an all but forgotten chapter in the history of the tsarist empire and its southwestern borderlands. The right bank, or west side, of the Dnieper River?which today is located at the heart of the independ[...]
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Texto impresoConflict, Conquest, and Conversion Tejirian, Eleanor H Simon, Reeva Spector .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
Conflict, Conquest, and Conversion surveys two thousand years of the Christian missionary enterprise in the Middle East within the context of the region's political evolution. Its broad, rich narrative follows Christian missions as they interact[...]
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Texto impresoDesperate Magic Kivelson, Valerie .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
In the courtrooms of seventeenth-century Russia, the great majority of those accused of witchcraft were male, in sharp contrast to the profile of accused witches across Catholic and Protestant Europe in the same period. While European courts tar[...]
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Texto impresoEd Koch and the Rebuilding of New York City Soffer, Jonathan .- , .
Material bibliográfico en formato papel.
In 1978, Ed Koch assumed control of a city plagued by filth, crime, bankruptcy, and racial tensions. Yet by the end of his mayoral run in 1989 and in spite of the Wall Street crash of 1987, his administration had begun rebuilding neighborhoods a[...]
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